FIDRA RZ F1 (55-205)

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FIDRA RZ F1 (55-205) product photo view-2 L
FIDRA RZ F1 (55-205) product photo front L
FIDRA RZ F1 (55-205) product photo view-2 L
FIDRA RZ F1 (55-205) product photo front L
FIDRA RZ F1 (55-205) product photo front S
FIDRA RZ F1 (55-205) product photo view-2 S

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اسم متنوعة
FIDRA RZ F1 (55-205)
رقم المقدمة
55-205 RZ
نوع الصنف

- dark green upright leafs,
- leaf length 35 - 45 cm,
- Roots are very smooth,
- 17 - 20 cm length.
- in bed cultivation light conical shape.
- nice orange shoulder,
- vegetation point is inside the shoulder.
- intensive orange red coloured out- and inside.